: In the quest for healthier eating habits, ancient grains like Little Millet (Samai) are making a remarkable comeback. Despite its small size, this grain offers substantial nutriti...
In the world of ancient grains, Proso Millet, also known as Panivaragu in Tamil, is a hidden gem. This humble grain, often overshadowed by its more popular counterparts, is making a...
Pearl millet, often referred to as kambu in South India, is a powerhouse grain that has been a staple in various cultures for thousands of years. With its rich nutritional profile a...
Barnyard Millet, or Kuthiraivali as it’s called in Tamil, is a type of small, grainy millet that's been consumed in various cultures for centuries. It's known for its tiny, white ...
Briefly introduce kodo millet, also known as varagu in Tamil and kodon in Kannada. Kodo millet is a small, nutrient-rich grain known for its high fiber, protein, and mineral content...
Finger millet, known as Kelvaragu in Tamil, Ragi in Kannada and Hindi, and Nachni in Marathi, is an ancient grain revered for its nutritional value and health benefits. Belonging to...
Foxtail millet, scientifically known as Setaria italica, is one of the oldest cultivated crops, with a history that dates back thousands of years. Known as Thinai in Tamil, this anc...
Millets have been a staple in various cultures for thousands of years, and among the diverse varieties, the Great Millet, also known as Cholam or Sorghum, stands out. Revered for it...
In the realm of ancient grains, Great Millet, also known as Red Cholam or Sorghum, stands out for its nutritional profile and versatility in culinary applications. This resilient gr...